Je Suis Hagar Haggie Tsabar

I’m synesthetic (a condition where one type of stimulation evokes the sensation of another), so my colors and textures are eclectic while having a strong unifying undertone.

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Occupation: Comedian

Instagram: @faith_alpher

Where were you born? I was born and raised in Teaneck, New Jersey.

In one sentence what is unique about your work? My comedy shows are always unique because every show has a special element or surprise feature!

Why do you do what you do? I do what I do because that's just how I was raised.  My mom worked in New York for 33 years and constantly gave back.  She volunteered.  She loved her family and did the best she could as a single mom.  As I got older I saw that I LOVED giving back too.  But my talents were making people laugh.  I did it without any effort.  It can natural.  I loved Carol Burnett and Whoopi Goldberg. I had their comedy of storytelling weaved into humor and love.  I worked on my craft, took pride in my product and ran with it.  Plus, laughter is healing and I guess I needed IT more than it needed me.

What inspires you? I'm inspired by the stories of audience goers.  I'm truly touched when I receive a message about someone finally feeling free to share their story.  We all have a story.

Describe your personal style. My personal style of DRESSING?  Ummm, ok let's just say I could use a personal dresser.  I clean up well, but my sisters were more of the fashion divas living in NY.  Me?  Well, I tried.  Lol. Still trying! I've been told that my style resembles Lucille Ball, Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah!  I know, right.  I LOVE comedy but it must accompany a message of positivity, growth  AND fun.  Otherwise, it's a waste of your time.....did you mean this OR the other?

Your ultimate must-have. My ultimate must haves would have to be my Arbonne Protein Shake w almond butter and blackberries!  I need clean products to fuel my body.  No gluten please....

What superpower would you have and why? I would definitely have the superpowers of transporting myself back to hang out with my mom and dad whenever I felt like it.  They're in the east.  I'm in the west.

What is next for you? I so excited because what comes next for me is Broadway!!  Off Broadway is equally awesome too.  Hopefully a 6-12 month commitment?  After that touring and speaking my show: Black Girl.  Funny World.  I definitely know TV is waiting for me!!  My mom would be glad that I finally get to use my SAG card again!  (she always told me to pay my dues :-). 



Je Suis Patrick Hoelck

Occupation: Artist.
Instagram: @patrickhoelck

Where were you born? Santa Monica, California.

In one sentence what is unique about your work? I never really analyze my work; I work from day to day expressing the moment to the best of my ability.

Why do you do what you do? I had a strange childhood; visuals gave me the freedom to tell stories as I saw them, or as I wanted them to be.

What inspires you? As simple and corny as it sounds LOVE.

Describe your personal style. I feel like being that self-aware is the end of great work.

Your ultimate must-have. Family.

What superpower would you have and why? To hear what people are saying before they talk.

What is next for you? New web series called An Interview with Patrick Hoelck and a Book and Installation of a series I have been working on since 2004.

Portfolio: Bcause: Twiter: @PatrickHoelck

Polaroid Hotel: Facebook: PatrickHoelck

Je Suis Amy Risley Small


Occupation: Creative Director / Web Designer / New Mom.

Instagram: @amyriz

Where were you born?
I grew up in a small town in Connecticut called Tolland - it’s picture perfect, idyllic New England. I couldn’t wait to get out and move to the city when I was younger, but I love going back now. I appreciate the slow pace and simplicity so much more now than I did when I was a kid. To this day I think the town only has two traffic lights.

In one sentence what is unique about your work?
I have a strong intuition when it comes to bringing a client’s vision to light and can adapt my style and approach to ensure they really see themselves in the final product.

Why do you do what you do?
I work with a lot of brands at their inception, many launching solely with e-commerce- which means together we’re designing their whole world and defining how their customers will get to know and engage with them. With the web, I love that there’s a constant opportunity to evolve. Brands can create layers of unique creative content, from lifestyle imagery to blogs, videos and social media content- and it can all change and refresh as often as they want, on their own terms. I get to be the architect behind all of that and it’s always an exciting challenge.

What inspires you?
Fearlessness. Selflessness. Acquiring more experiences than material things...smoky pastels…and Alicia Keys’ whole not wearing makeup thing.

Describe your personal style.
I’m that typical NYC to LA convert who went from caring about fashion to focusing more on versatility and happily adopting an effortless California style. I love that the weather here always permits combos like a sweater paired with jean shorts or a cropped leather jacket over a sundress…and I’ll pretty much wear anything striped.

Your ultimate must-have.
Balance. Time to work and grow my business, quality time to unplug with my husband and daughter, and time for myself to exercise and be mindful of my health and wellness.

What superpower would you have and why?
The ability to fit all of the above into a single day!

What is next for you?
I’m working on some fun new branding & web projects; a hotel in Palm Springs, and a redesign of one of my favorite lifestyle blogs, among others...but what I’m truly excited about is anticipating the first time my 3 month old daughter starts to giggle…that’s the next heart-melting milestone I’m looking forward to most.

Je Suis Hannah Robison

Title: Miss Tennesse 2015
Instagram: @hannahrobison2

Where were you born?
I was born and raised in Paris, 

Where do you live now?
I currently live in Martin, Tennessee, 
because I am a Chemistry major at the 
University of Tennessee at Martin. 
However, my family still lives in Paris.

In one sentence what is unique about 
your work?
My main job as Miss Tennessee is to 
work for Governor Bill Haslam. This 
past year I have traveled over 80,000 
speaking to over 50,000 Tennessee 
school children about making good 
choices and having good character.

Why do you do what you do?
I have always wanted to make a 
difference in people's lives, and that 
is why I wanted to become Miss Tennessee.
 The title of Miss Tennessee gives me a 
state-wide platform to try to positively
 influence thousands of children 
throughout my year.

What inspires you?
Children inspire me. I love to work 
with children, whether I am teaching a 
science lesson or teaching children how 
to make good decisions. Their excitement
 and the dreams that they have that 
they want to achieve inspires me every 

Describe your personal style.
I think my personal style would be 
simple but sophisticated. I think it is 
so true when they say "dress for the job
 you want, not necessarily for the job 
that you have." I want to have a 
successful future, so I try to dress 
the part every day!

Your ultimate must-have.
My must-have is definitely a good 
handbag. I love neutral color bags that 
can go with any look, and I am a very 
organized person so it has to have lots 
of pockets and compartments to keep me 

What superpower would you have and why?
If I could have any superpower it would 
definitely be to fly. If I could have 
flown all year as Miss Tennessee instead
of driven the state, I could have 
reached more children throughout my year!

What is next for you?
After I crown Miss Tennessee 2016 on 
June 18th, I will be enjoying my summer
break and going back to school at the 
University of Tennessee at Martin in 
August! I am excited to finish up my 
undergraduate degree and graduate in 
May of 2017!

Je Suis María Soledad Costantini

Occupation: Coordinator of the literature
program at the The Latin American Art 
Museum of Buenos Aires (MALBA) and 
founder of the publishing house El hilo 
de Ariadna with base in Spain and 

Instagram: @solcostantini

Where were you born? 
I was born in Argentina.

In one sentence what is unique about 
your work? 
I believe that my work supports writers,
philosophers, poets who dedicate their 
entire life in trying to comprehend the 
human soul.

Why do you do what you do? 
I am a publisher of books of psychology,
philosophy, literature, poetry and 
essay writing throughout MALBA the 
literature department organizes 
conferences, book presentations, 
master classes, courses, performances 
and lectures so as to promote and 
transmit literature in all its formats. 
During the past 15 years we have 
received around 700 writers from all 
over the world.

What inspires you? 
The love for knowledge.

Describe your personal style. 

Your ultimate must-have. 
A pendant stone.

What superpower would you have and why? 
The power to heal, because it’s a 
profound desire to be able to heal and 
comfort others.

What is next for you?
The challenge to keep publishing books 
and spreading literature in a world that
is falling apart.

Je Suis Danielle Sinay

Other than aggressively abusing parenthetical? I think my honesty and willingness to 
discuss what nobody wants to. My writing is very personal; I tend to address 
women’s rights and gender equality
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