Je Suis Hannah Robison

Title: Miss Tennesse 2015
Instagram: @hannahrobison2

Where were you born?
I was born and raised in Paris, 

Where do you live now?
I currently live in Martin, Tennessee, 
because I am a Chemistry major at the 
University of Tennessee at Martin. 
However, my family still lives in Paris.

In one sentence what is unique about 
your work?
My main job as Miss Tennessee is to 
work for Governor Bill Haslam. This 
past year I have traveled over 80,000 
speaking to over 50,000 Tennessee 
school children about making good 
choices and having good character.

Why do you do what you do?
I have always wanted to make a 
difference in people's lives, and that 
is why I wanted to become Miss Tennessee.
 The title of Miss Tennessee gives me a 
state-wide platform to try to positively
 influence thousands of children 
throughout my year.

What inspires you?
Children inspire me. I love to work 
with children, whether I am teaching a 
science lesson or teaching children how 
to make good decisions. Their excitement
 and the dreams that they have that 
they want to achieve inspires me every 

Describe your personal style.
I think my personal style would be 
simple but sophisticated. I think it is 
so true when they say "dress for the job
 you want, not necessarily for the job 
that you have." I want to have a 
successful future, so I try to dress 
the part every day!

Your ultimate must-have.
My must-have is definitely a good 
handbag. I love neutral color bags that 
can go with any look, and I am a very 
organized person so it has to have lots 
of pockets and compartments to keep me 

What superpower would you have and why?
If I could have any superpower it would 
definitely be to fly. If I could have 
flown all year as Miss Tennessee instead
of driven the state, I could have 
reached more children throughout my year!

What is next for you?
After I crown Miss Tennessee 2016 on 
June 18th, I will be enjoying my summer
break and going back to school at the 
University of Tennessee at Martin in 
August! I am excited to finish up my 
undergraduate degree and graduate in 
May of 2017!