Je Suis Nicolas Destino

I would describe my work as uncluttered, minimalist, sober and geometric. The objects I create gravitate between concept and function, It depends on the project.
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Je Suis Princess Alia Al-Senussi

Art and design does not have to be a passion, does not have to be all-encompassing. Art and design is an important cultural marker-it defines who we are, be it as a culture, as a place or as a society 
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Je Suis Tony Futura

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Occupation: Artist

Instagram: @tonyfutura

Where were you born?

I was born on the countryside in the east of Germany and grew up close to the polish border. I moved to Berlin 9 years ago to study communication design and i am working in advertising now.

In one sentence what is unique about your work?

My work has a strong focus on visual ideas that combine objects and play with known images to create a new perspective on things we know from pop-culture, art, consumerism and everyday life.

Why do you do what you do?

I started my Instagram to challenge myself to be more creative and because i wanted to see how many ideas I can find. I felt like need something to keep my brain trained and to entertain myself. The search for new ways to see things is quite fun and there is not a single day where I can't stop thinking about what I can do next.

What inspires you?

Berlin - the city I live in - is quite inspirational to me. Also the internet, that whole meme-thing and current news. Mostly i find inspiration in art and society. I like to work with points of view on things, so i am quite interested in what people think about certain images or other people like celebrities for example.

Describe your personal style.

I always wear quite casual clothes, no big logos or too much branding. I love polo shirts, vintage denim pants and sneakers. I rather spent money on high quality clothes then buying new stuff every couple of weeks.

Your ultimate must-have.

Fred Perry polos in all colors and variations. What superpower would you have and why? I'd really like to be super fast. Beeing super fast slows down time and i create way more in a day. I always have the feeling that i need more time to enjoy life and work more on my personal projects. And it makes travelling way easier :)

What is next for you?

I can't really tell. Right now i'm waiting to see where this takes me and to figure out my way. I'm quite excited about it.

Je Suis Susan Rockefeller

It’s a privilege to be in service to our earth. Life is precious so I celebrate the miracle of being here with my family by using my God-given talents to express myself and to keep our lands and oceans healthy for future generations.

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Je Suis Neo Tony Lee

Instagram: @NEOTONYLEE

Where were you born?
I was born in Saigon, grew up in Paris.

In one sentence what is unique about your work?
My work is to capture moments, capture people.I can make beautiful anyone anything 'without photoshop', I call it ’no virtual surgery’. I Make people happy. In Music, i make people grooving :P

Why do you do what you do?
I just do, i follow my instinct, my feeling, the flow.

What inspires you?
Life inspires me, i love traveling, meeting new people. Everyone is unique and all my photoshoots and art directions are « SUR MESURE ».

Describe your personal style.
My style is just genuine, be myself. I am LEO, so...

Your ultimate must-have.
what is it?

What superpower would you have and why?
I would love to fly, to explore more and more.

What is next for you?
My next, i would like to be an example, inspiration for people.

Je Suis Mai Quynh

Occupation: Celebrity Makeup Artist
Instagram: @storyofmailife

Where were you born ?
Los Angeles, CA -Cedars Sinai To live and die in LA-Tupac

In one sentence what is unique about your work?
I try to make women feel beautiful by emphasizing their
unique features while still looking like themselves and not overly done and made up. 

Why do you do what you do?
I'm lucky to be able to do a job that allows me to travel,
be creative and make people feel beautiful. Also, I get to work with
amazing talented artists, experience new things and have fun everyday:)

What inspires you?
Film, fashion, music, nature, art, textiles and definitely makeup!
Anything beauty related gets me going. 

Describe your personal style.
All black everything. Some white and grey mixed in. If there is a color,
it's more of a jewel tone. Definitely no pastels. 

Your ultimate must-have.
Currently, I wouldn't mind a Fendi Monster Backpack please. Thanks Santa.

What superpower would you have and why?
To have an OFF switch so I can sleep instantly.
Sometimes my mind is too busy thinking of things to do:( 

What is next for you?
Hopefully a vacation. Award season got me like #sleepdeprived