Je Suis Sierra Swan

Occupation: Artist
Instagram: @sierraswan

Personal background:
I was born in Van Nuys, California in
1978. My father, Billy Swan is a singer
songwriter and played rhythm guitar in
Kris Kristofferson's band for over 20
years. My mother, Marlu Swan was also
a songwriter for some time but mainly
she was a dancer, that's how she made
her living for most of her life,
unfortunately she passed away when
I was 24. Long story short I'm a valley
girl from Sherman Oaks :)

In one sentence what is unique about
your work?

I don't have any rules at all;
I don't care what is popular. I do what
I want musically, always.

Why do you do what you do?
Honestly, I do what I do because
I don't really know how to do anything
else better and it makes me extremely

What inspires you?
This bizarre planet inspires me.
I feel like I'm visiting, so I'm
observing all of the time. Trying to
make my experience here on earth more
interesting I guess. I'm pretty sure a
lot of people feel that way.

Describe your personal style.
My personal style is very reminiscent
of my music. I pretty much wear what I
want. I love to mix and match things up.
Considering I'm a mother of two,
I'm usually in jeans and what I like to
call a 'mom shirt' which are my
husband’s old shirts. If I'm going out,
I will put way more effort into it
although; I love vintage clothing the
most. I will buy a handful of new nice
clothes a year, My favorite designer
right now is Heidi Merrick, her clothes
are absolutely lovely but still
comfortable and super chic.

Your ultimate must-have.
My absolute must have are jeans and
house dresses that I can be seen in
public in, just in case I have to run
out, and a pair of black ballet

What superpower would you have and why?
If I could have a super power I would
probably choose the ability to fly,
cause I mean come on, who doesn't want
to fly!? I would say read minds but I
already know how to do that;)

What is next for you?
Right now I'm writing for my next
record and I may do a few more dates
with the Smashing Pumpkins at the end
of the year, but nothing is set in
stone yet. Billy Corgan and I have been
discussing a project we would like to
do together for a long time now, so who
knows perhaps that will be in some kind
of development sometime down the road.