Je Suis Victoria Podolskaya

Photo credit Julia Romanova

Photo credit Julia Romanova

Occupation: Ballet Master, Choreographer and owner of Victoria Art and Sport Club in Budapest.
Instagram: @podolskayav

Photo credit Julia Romanova

Photo credit Julia Romanova

1. In one sentence what is unique about your work?

The uniqueness of my work is that it is necessary to observe strict canons of classical dance and at the same time a free flight of the soul, imagination and self-expression, finds when it comes to balletmastership, productions of new numbers, choreography. All this contributes to a great creative process.


2. Why do you do what you do?

Because this is something that I have dreamed of since my childhood, I taught of this profession professionally since I was 10 years old. Therefore, I consider myself to be a happy person. I run to work in good spirit, I pass my knowledge to my students. I always have goals, plans for which I must strive, and which I must  overcome. A new presentation, a contest, a festival is an experiment, a development, an excuse to correct and grow in ballet and art there is no limit, I can always develop and grow infinitely.


3. What inspires you?

In my profession every life situation, whether it's a strong, hard period or joyful,  funny moments bring ideas for new productions. Visiting theaters, museums, new places (traveling), reading books, listening to music-all this is a search and a find that are embodied in the choreography. I am inspired by meetings with talented, interesting, intelligent people who have achieved success with their work, talent and who can learn, gain experience.



4. What is your personal style?

My style is my inner world. I love depth and meaning in everything. I am close to classical styles and I love the East.

5. Your ultimate must-have.

The health and happiness of my family and of course my favorite work. Without it, I would feel myself unrealized.

6. What superpower would you have and why?

I would like to be able to heal terminally ill people and never lose my family and friends.


Photo credit Julia Romanova

Photo credit Julia Romanova

7. What is next for you?

My future is in my hands. I hope fate and the stars will align in a way so I leave a trail in the upbringing of future ballet dancers and the production of ballet.

I also have plans for a while now, that are not yet realized, to teach children in orphanages classical dance.

For a child who's been through a lot coming in contact with classical music and dance  is a kind of therapy. And even if only one child can grow from hundredth of children into a real ballet dancer, this will be a great asset and an example for the rest of the disadvantaged children. Love for Art will give birth to Love and to people.


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