Je Suis Maison D. Davis

Occupation: Actor, Musician, Artist, Entrepreneur.

Instagram: @MasonDDavis.

Where were you born?

I was born in Memphis, Tennessee until 16 years old. Then lived in Orange County, California. After high school, I was homeless for a spell living up and down the California coast. I landed in San Francisco and no sooner found myself in San Luis Obispo, California for a year. I lived in Utah for four years and now reside in Los Angeles, CA.

In one sentence what is unique about your work?

My approach to any of my work comes from a place of passion, creative risk, and no limitations.

Why do you do what you do?

A never ceasing yearning inside my soul. If I don't give in and feed this creative beast, I ultimately fail at being myself.

What inspires you?

People. Good overcoming evil. Tacos. The ocean. Musicianship. Humility mixed with greatness. Pets who look like their masters.

Describe your personal style.

Quirky humor. Beach bum heart. Relentless spirit. Full of anxiety, yet very relaxed. Ambitious. Hopeful. A fashionably dress surfer.

Your ultimate must-have.

Family nearby.

What superpower would you have and why?

Telekinesis. Because I would be one heck of a skateboarder.

What is next for you?

I have a couple movies coming out soon, and a few film projects I'm hoping to start working on this fall. I'm writing two TV scripts, I'd like to get the funding for and start shooting in 2017. I've been work shopping a novel series I'd like to have more time to write. Also, trying to pump out an album or at the very least more YouTube video of me performing. I've been doing improv at LA's UCB. And continuing to grow my shoe company SoulKix, where every shoe sold we donate to a child in need.

To relax from this crazy schedule, I surf 3 times a week, play basketball once a week, go to the gym 5 times a week, make sure I read from 2 separate books every day, and in December I'm getting married to the love of my life.