Dopamine, Endorphin, Oxytocin, Serotonin - meet your happy chemicals. We decided to approach them one by one to help you understand how we humans work and how to keep ourselves happy. Our first candidate is Endorphin.
Endorphins can be described as one of the most important hormones in the body. Its primary role is to ease pain, while also controlling your emotions by making you feel calm and/or happy.
You may describe this hormone as an internal medication for the body which provides a special boost.
The body can produce endorphins in a number of different ways. Want to know how to naturally produce endorphins so that you can control your own emotions?
Here is how:
- Laughter - Laughter helps to enhance oxygen intake and is known to stimulate the lungs, muscles and the heart, while also boosting your endorphins. Find that one friend who makes you laugh, watch your favorite comic. These days TikTok and Instagram Reels are a great source of laughter as well. Give it a try. Thank us later.
- Exercise - aerobic exercise is considered to be a neurochemical base that reduces the stress hormones in the body. These exercises will also produce natural painkillers in the body as it also produces endorphins in the body. Watch Perfect - a movie about a reporter for Rolling Stone who was researching an article on L.A. fitness clubs, starring John Travolta and Jaime Lee Curtis. The 80s Aerobic Workout Video just recently went viral. This might motivate you to join the aerobic's class and reduce stress hormones.
- Sweets and Chocolates - sweets and chocolates are linked to the production of endorphins. And, as these endorphins are activated, these hormones can make the person feel good. Grab your favorite Sees or Girardelli candies and satisfy your sweet tooth. After all you just excercised in a bullet point above(wink)
- Engage in social activities that you enjoy - People who are involved in social networks have a higher tolerance for pain. This is because the boost of endorphins make the person feel better in mind and body.
All of these self love activities and more can help you boost your emotions in many different ways. And, they are highly recommended for people who are trying to fight off chronic pain as well as get through traumatic times in life. Try to remain positive no matter how hard things get. Therefore, if you or someone else you know needs a burst of energy, one of the best ways to get started is by exercising different parts of your body on a daily basis and gift yourself with chocolate from time to time while watching a funny movie or a goofy tiktok clip, all to help you laugh more.