If you have achieved a great deal in life, you will meet many people who praise, admire and recognize you. However, you will also meet copycats who have no idea of their own. Their objective is to copy your ideas, devalue your achievements and try to put you down. If you have encountered such people, you should be very cautious. Do you know why people cannot stop copying you? Here are some of the reasons:
People who are confident and strong set themselves apart from the crowd. However, those who are insecure feel the need to copy others to be recognized. People who have no identity of their own tend to copy others to be recognized.
Have you ever had a friend who pretends to love you but deep inside, they hate you for no reason or because of the much you have achieved? Please do not be worried because they end up being copycats. Some people can copy your ideas and plans because they are jealous of your achievements and developments.
Sometimes people copy you out of admiration. While this is a good approach, they are still copycats because they do not follow their ideas nor become creative. It is not wrong to admire someone, their personality, or what they have achieved but copying them is.
Threatened of you
If you set goals and achieve them within your time plan, you will obviously threaten your competitors with your success. If you are in the same niche, you can find some people copying everything you do because they feel threatened. Remember, by copying what you are doing; they think they will succeed or surpass too. However, they do not know that we are all different and cannot excel the same way.
If others praise you, some people can feel threatened because they have low self-esteem. Since they have a hidden stealing syndrome, they opt to copy you and get the praise themselves.
If you find people copying you, you should protect yourself by ignoring them and continue being you. Finally, it is essential to focus on yourself because you know what you are doing, your goals, and the roadmap to success.