Why Do We Dress Up?

Why dress up? Yes, it's fun to be seen, but it also feels good. If that's not enough then you must remember what you wear changes what people hear you say. Let say you're riding a bus to see a friend and not exactly sure about what bus stop you should exit on. You ask a neighbor sitting right next to you. He is wearing sweats and t-shirt with an oily stain on it. He looks as if he forgot to take a shower. He tells you to exit in two stops. Another men, dressed in suit, a trench coat and a hat overhears your conversation and tells you that you need to exit on the next step. Whom would you listen to? Most likely the men who is well dressed. The point is, if you want people to listen to you, dress the message.

Emotions - Change in Wear According to How you feel

Our emotional state plays a huge role in the outfit we wear. If you thought clothing only influences others, you're wrong. Your outfit is a reflection of your emotion. That is why some of us even change outfits few times a day. Note for yourself what you wear on a positive morning and what you wear when you wake up tired and grumpy. Women who are happy and positive will most likely wear a favorite dress and perhaps even spice it up with jewelry. Women who are sad or depressed will wear baggy clothing or jeans with a sweatshirt. Experts say you're most likely not going to want to wear an outfit you wore during a hard situation.

Sense of Self

Dressing up reinforces your sense of self. In times like today throwing on an outfit for work Zoom call helps to motivate and concentrate. Bloggers around the world dress up and post selfies in front of the mirror. Why? It helps to regain happiness. We dress up to communicate with the world what we feel. And often times those who do it well influence others.


The lack of attention that often comes from childhood is another reason why some dress up and those people are easy to spot. They love highlighted labels on their clothing, it screams luxury, it screams rich and unapproachable. In reality these individuals are often lonely and in need of love.

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