by Giulia Juliet Belkin
Experts say our heart may suffer after a sad event, and your brain is more likely to be responsible for your heartbreak. The syndrome is provoked by the reaction of our brain to stress.
In 1990 Japanese scientist Hikaru Sato spoke about "broken heart syndrome" for the first time. Since then it received the name "takotsubo cardiomyopathy" (from the Japanese "takotsubo" - a ceramic pot with a round base and a narrow neck).
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy or "Broken Heart Syndrome" is when the heart muscle becomes suddenly stunned or weakened. It mostly occurs following severe emotional or physical stress. What comes next is a depression.
When depression hits it becomes difficult to think rationally. “No one understands how it hurts,” “everything is bad,” “no one needs me,” “everything is falling apart,” “I don’t deserve life,” the feeling of loneliness and alienation accompanies you everywhere.
Does it feel like any daily activity requires a lot of effort. Getting out of bed, meeting a friend, cooking dinner - simple actions as such for you is the same as for a healthy person to climb mount Everest.
Any work, including psychological work, with depression is not easy, but taking care of yourself will significantly speed up recovery. It’s hard to talk about the feelings when you are depressed and so it becomes difficult to speak to loved ones.
So how do we fight the depression when your heart is broken?
Usually, when one is depressed he/she doesn't want anything. So whenever a moment of the desire to something appears, grab it and make it happen. Suddenly you felt that you wanted to take a walk? Go outside. Want to chat with your friends? Call them.
Think of a hobby. Paining, writing, salsa class, ceramics, you name it. Sign up for a class and go for it.
Take care of yourself. Fitness classes, beauty routines, learn to love and pamper yourself, remember, you deserve this.
If you just want to lie on the couch, allow yourself that too. Entering into a conflict with yourself because of procrastination is wasting internal resources. Try to put things aside and allow yourself to rest without remorse.