“There is a shade of red for every woman”

Audrey Hepburn's quote can be interpreted in literal context, after all, red lipstick does come in different hues.
Depending on the geography and time period, the Scarlet pout has been a symbol of many things. A declaration of independence, a sign of seduction, social status, confidence, seeker of attention or a show of wealth.
Red lipstick is synonymous with power and strength, highly seen during women's suffrage movement (decades-long fight to win the right to vote for women in the United States).
In the 20th century, however, people associated red lips with sexual immorality and sacrilegious traits. Perhaps that's because red lipstick carries sexual undertones that make women’s lips stand out and appear sexier.
There is nothing wrong with women wearing red lipstick today if she wants to boost her sexual allure and stand out among her peers.
If red lipstick is your armor against the rest of the world, feel free to paint your pout red. Lipstick is a known confidence booster. Need that extra nudge when it comes to public speaking, go for a powerful shade of lipstick (we suggest a rich red).

- Know what shade is right for you.
- Remove excess color after applying.
- Do take care of your teeth. Remember your teeth stand out when you wear red lipstick.
- Wear it right to help you boost your confidence
- Match your lips and nails
- Wear it with all black everything!
- Don't wear bright red when you have smokey eye makeup.
- Don't let it transfer to your teeth please.
- Don't over do it with the rest of the makeup
- Don't wear bright red when your outfit is filled with colors.
- Don't wear bright red with pink blush or pink anything please.
- Maybe don't wear it when you're meeting your potential In-Laws.
- Best not to wear it at funerals.
Few tips to keep in mind:
- Remember red lips is part of an outfit. Style it well.
- Don't always have to use a lip liner. Sometimes just red lipstick is enough.
- Keep Q-tips handy for midday touch-ups.
- Red lips give you confidence boost.

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