The Talk With Allison Munn - Actress



You’ve seen Allison Munn on television for the last two decades … “That 70’s Show,” “What I Like About You,” “One Tree Hill,” Nickelodeon’s biggest series “Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and Dawn” as mom to the foursome, “Anne Harper” – to name a few!
Allison joins us to talk about her newest show “The Big Show Show” where she plays WWE superstar Paul Wight aka Big Show’s spitfire wife ‘Cassy.”


Giulia: First off let me tell you how excited I am to have you as our guest, because I remember watching you on Nicky Ricky Dicky and Dawn sitcom with my daughters.

Allison: Thank you so much! We had a ton of fun on Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn!

Giulia: I know you began your career in off Broadway- musical and it was the longest running  musical. What made you move into movies? Was that transition easy for you? 

Allison: The Fantasticks was my first big job in New York. I performed in 8 shows a week for two and half years - it was exhilarating and exhausting. I would take a few days off here and there to do commercials or guest stars on shows like Law & Order, SVU and Now and Again and I discovered that I loved it.  After performing in almost 500 shows, I decided to leave The Fantasticks and move to Los Angeles to pursue more film and tv roles. My first jobs in LA were on sitcoms that shot live in front of a studio audience so I feel like my background in theater helped ease the transition to being in front of the camera. 

Giulia: Loved you in That 70's show as Fez's  stalker Caroline. Such a great cast and a great show. What was it like on set? Any amazing stories from that experience? 

Allison: Ah - that was such a fun role. How lucky was I to get to play such a crazy and passionate character? I joined the cast in their third season, when the show was already big hit. I remember being so nervous to shoot my first episode in front of the audience. That ‘70s Show was my first job in LA and I remember the cast being so kind a welcoming to me. They invited me out with them after show nights and became my first friends in LA. I’m still so grateful for that. 

Giulia: I am excited to see you on Netflix's multi-camera family comedy Big Show Show with WWE superstar Paul Wight. I know it's already out.  Why should we be excited to see it?

Allison: The Big Show Show is a really fun sitcom that the whole family can sit down together and watch. The series starts out with WWE Superstar Big Show retiring from wrestling and taking on the biggest challenge of his life - his family. It’s currently streaming on Netflix worldwide.

Giulia: Who is your character and why would we love her?  

Allison: I play Cassy Wight, Big Show’s wife. She devoted mom to her daughters and step-daughter, a loving wife and a successful career woman. She the kind of mom who has it all together…until, at one point in the show, she doesn’t. Her family builds her back up again and she’s better than ever. 

Giulia: What's it like to work with a WWE superstar? 

Allison: Working with Big Show is a dream. He’s funny, kind and one of the hardest workers I know. 

Giulia: Besides work I know you are a mom of two. How does Covid-19 affect your work and family today? How are you guys coping with it? 

Allison: Well, we’ve been quarantined together for over a month now, and it’s going well…I think? Some days are better than others, haha. My husband and I have been homeschooling them and trying to keep the days fun. We’ve done a bunch of puzzles (we’re currently on #8) and we set up a tent in the back yard to camp out under the clear, smogless LA sky. That was fun. We go on walks and schedule Zoom meet-ups and do the occasional birthday drive-by.

Giulia: Do you think life after a pandemic will change? If so, how ?

Allison: I think about this all the time. Will more people choose to keep homeschooling their kids? It’s not for me but a lot of parents in my community are enjoying the freedom it allows. Will a majority of our doctor appointments change to Telemedicine? When can we see concerts again, go to games? Will companies see how much easier & cost-effective it is for their staff to work from home? Will I ever feel comfortable when a stranger has a coughing fit at a coffee shop? Will I still be a hugger? There are still so many unknowns and I think that’s adding to the anxiety we feel when we look at what’s happening in the world. 


Giulia: You are a big supporter of Rock the Vote which builds the political power for young people. What do you want for the younger generation to be in terms of politics? Why do you think it's important?

Allison: I’m passionate about getting young people to the polls. Our country has one of the lowest rates of youth voter turnout in the world. Many people like to blame it on apathy but that’s not necessarily the case. Studies have found that a lot of young people want to vote and care deeply about what’s going on in the world, but are intimidated by the complex voter registration rules. Rock the Vote helps young voters navigate the voting process and empowers them to use their voices. I love that this organization has been around for over 30 years and that they’re nonpartisan.

Giulia: Since JOLIEGAZETTE highlights fashion, I would love to hear your opinion. What do you like about fashion today and what would you change? 

Allison: Well, personally I love that high-waisted jeans and pants are in fashion. Loving the oversized blazers as well. Oh - and sneakers! I’m really into comfort these days, can you tell? On the other end of the spectrum, I’ve been seeing a lot of bermuda shorts lately and I can’t believe my eyes. They were so unflattering when I was in middle school - I can’t imagine they’ve gotten any better. Haha!

Giulia: Do you work with a stylist or prefer to style yourself ? 

Allison: Given the chance, I definitely prefer to be styled by someone else. I’ve learned that putting a great outfit together is not one of my talents and that it’s best to leave that to the professionals. Haha.

Giulia: Sustainability, recycling fashion, vintage, consignment is becoming a big deal today. How do you feel about it? 

Allison: Sustainable fashion is healthier for our planet and the people who live here. It reduces our carbon footprint, saves natural resources and saves animals lives. I love that the fashion industry is moving in this direction.

Giulia: If you could turn time back, what advice would you tell your young self? Why? 

Allison: I would tell my young self to enjoy my down-time between jobs and not stress too much over getting the next one. Take the trips - missing one audition won’t make or break her. I’d also like to tell Young Me to sleep in, read all the books, go to all the movies, take all the workout classes & learn a new language because pretty soon she’ll be married with two kids and she’ll find it almost impossible to find the time to do those things again. 

Giulia: What is next for Allison? 

Allison: Agh - I wish I knew! This Coronavirus lock-down has us grounded for at least another month and I’m not sure what the future holds beyond that. I have a few projects in the works and hopefully we’ll get a Season 2 of The Big Show Show. In the meantime, I’m laser-focused on finishing Puzzle #8. 

Giulia: Thank you Allison. For everyone who enjoyed this conversation, check out Netflix’s the multi-camera family comedy  “The Big Show Show” with Alison Munn and WWE superstar Paul Wight aka Big Show, premiered on April 6,2020.