Je Suis Quela Renee

Occupation: Wardrobe Stylist
Instagram: @quelarenee

Where were you born?
San Francisco, Bay Area

Where do you live now?
San Francisco, Bay Area

In one sentence what is unique about
your work?

My work is classic with modern flair
keeping it relevant yet timeless.

Why do you do what you do?
I got into fashion on a whim.
It wasn't something that I thought
I was going to do growing up.
I didn't even know what a wardrobe
stylist was. The only thing I did
know is that I love the art of fashion.
Not necessarily designer brands and
labels but the story behind the clothes. I do it because I love creating stories and characters by what you put on.




What inspires you?
History and music inspires me!
I especially love vintage clothing
because of the stories and mysterious
behind the garment. I always want to
find out who wore it, what was their
life like, and imagine what they may
of been doing in that specific garment.

Describe your personal style.
My style is classic, vintage, feminine,
and flirty.

Your ultimate must-have.
Definitely a silk scarf to tie around
my neck, wrap around my hair, or tie
into a bow around the handles of my

What superpower would you have and why?
Time travel hands down!

What is next for you?
Currently I am getting ready to launch
my own vintage and lifestyle website,
The Spotted Poodle, which will cover
classic living, style guides, social
events, and sell vintage clothing I
have collected over the years.

