Je Suis Aisyah Aprilia Fadhilah

Occupation: Student | Fashion Stylist | Illustrator
Instagram: @aisyahaprilia

Where were you born?

In one sentence what is unique about your work?
Express the elegance of vivid with touch of clasic-effortlessly

Why do you do what you do?
I do what I do because of my passion and my love for fashion

What inspires you?
I got a lot of inspiration through the past, present and something that will come up in the future

Describe your personal style.
a modest look with touch of classic, romantic and edgy

Your ultimate must-have.
Scarf, skirt or wide pants and loafers are my super ultimate that I must have. But I'll never can't go out without watch and lipstik

What superpower would you have and why?
I wish I can teleport to every place and everytime that I want. So I can go back to the time that I want to fix up something I leave or mess and watch the event that I want to see

What is next for you?
I'm still on my step to realize my dream as a fashion editor and another goals list that I want to achieve as long as I breathe
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