Je Suis Nancy Spielberg

Occupation: Producer

Instagram: n/a

Where were you born?

Born in NJ, USA, but moved out west to Arizona when I was a baby.

In one sentence what is unique about your work?

I help capture stories of the unsung heroes among us, or those that were never acknowledged for their heroic efforts. Also, I produce films that hopefully will inspire, education, preserve our heritage and history.

Why do you do what you do?

I love story telling. I love the fact that there are so many incredible stories all around us. We just need to listen, open our eyes, and recognize that.

What inspires you?

My father who will be 100 in 2 weeks and always encouraged us to dream and be kind and explore, and my mom who is 97 and who encouraged us to be ourselves and chase our dreams.

Describe your personal style.

I’m a bit funky. Not the typical Jewish mommy! Cowboy boots and jeans are my uniform. i think I’m 18... Then I look in the mirror. Love to hang with my two daughters- Jessy Katz who is a singer and actress living in Tel Aviv, and Melissa Katz who is an equestrian and mixologist living in L.A.

Your ultimate must-have.

My doggy and coffee... and champagne... and nachos... I love nachos.

What superpower would you have and why?

Of course i would fly- I’ve always wanted to fly. Every child wants to fly- Peter Pan syndrome and- I want the superpower to eat whatever I want and never get fat.

What is next for you?

Lots of things: who will write our history is a documentary I’m exec-producing about the secret buried archives of the Warsaw ghetto. Also a feature film and putting together a film fund to help produce a slate of carefully chosen documentaries that help preserve Jewish heritage and culture.