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Occupation: Writer, Director, Actor

Instagram: Shoppenheim

Where were you born? 
I’m from Los Angeles, and I definitely grew up as a product of the television and film culture here. I studied playwriting at Yale, and then came back to LA to do more theater and film.

In one sentence what is unique about your work?
I think (well, hope) that my work always has a particular kind of playfulness to it. Though there are certainly more dramatic parts, I always try to have fun while I'm working, and I think that really comes out in the pieces. 

Why do you do what you do?
It definitely comes out of a love of storytelling in general. I’ve always considered myself a reader and a viewer foremost (I love consuming TV, film, novels, you name it) and I think my desire to create comes out of a wish to participate, to be in conversation with the pieces I find inspiring or thought-provoking.

What inspires you?
Plenty of great movies and TV shows, but I’m also really influenced by art and music. Luckily LA has had somewhat of an artistic renaissance recently, and we’ve been getting the most amazing exhibits here. James Turrell’s retrospective at LACMA, Cindy Sherman’s recent exhibit at the Broad Museum, just being around a lot of those pieces made me want to rush home and create something.

Describe your personal style.
Tomboy-ish, with a silly edge. I’m almost always wearing very ridiculous socks. I have a rainbow-colored pair with giant pot leaves on them, which I really enjoy wearing. It’s very difficult to take yourself too seriously when you’re wearing rainbow-colored pot socks.

Your ultimate must-have. A book. Or an ebook on my phone. To be caught without that and stuck somewhere, entirely contentless, is a highly unsatisfying experience.

What superpower would you have and why?
I would want the ability to stop time. There are always about 40,000 things I would like to be seeing, reading, and creating at any given time. It would be awesome to have enough time to actually do all those things (for example, I’d love to finish, or more specifically, begin and then finish, any of those big Russian novels sitting on my bookshelf). And to take a freakishly long vacation without anybody noticing.

What is next for you?
Right now I’m writing on a new Netflix show called Llama Llama (which will be out next year). Once that finishes up, the plan is to go full-speed ahead to make the feature version of Fuck You From LA (you can check out the short at