I'm Begging, Please, Destroy the Wedge-Heel Sneaker Trend

I get it, with the rising popularity of athleisure, sneakers have taken a role as an everyday shoe and a fashion statement. Women everywhere are leaving their high-heel shoes and replacing them with a pair of comfy sneakers. They are pairing it with dresses and skirts, with trench coats, wearing them to workout and gym, to dinner with friends. Chunky sport sneakers, high tops, designer sneakers, Converse, Yizzie’s, Nike’s, etc.

I am all for the ones listed above! Believe me, I am pro comfort. However, with so many options listed above, some of us still choose to go for that ugly wedge-heel sneaker trend. Every time I see you wear them, feels like the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard.
Ladies, if you want to go for a sporty, yet sexy look, the wedge-heel sneaker is NOT it. If it’s about your height, wear a comfortable heel, but save us all from the sight of the high-heel sneaker. If you think you are being original, because you are lay-low type of gal, no heels, no labels, casual and sexy, let me be clear, NO, you are NOT!
From the bleachers, over here your feet resemble horse hooves after an annual check with the farrier. You seem comfortable but you look awkward, moreover, you ain’t sexy! Do yourself a favor and drop this dreadful trend and stick to either flats or go for mid-heel. Mic drop!

Giulia Juliet Belkin - an intern
