Is History Repeating Itself?

While this may be the hottest thing Prince Harry did for Meghan Markle according to Vogue, it could also be something that could predict regrets in the future. After all Edward VIII, Harry’s great, great, great grandfather abdicated the throne in order to marry his lover, Wallis Simpson, thereafter taking the title Duke of Windsor. Year later Edward VIII attempted to return. Did he feel out of place?

Today, with Harry and Meghan announcing their departure from full time royal responsibilities we ask is history repeating itself? Perhaps or Harry, who lost the loved one in the past is avoiding the inevitable.
To handle the constrainment is not an easy ordeal to face for a 38 year old full time working woman, not to mention handling the “exotic DNA” remarks made toward Markle because of her race.

It was obvious Meghan was struggling. In her last interview Markle addressed the struggles and the toxic effect on the American former actress and new mom.
Did this serve as a warning signal to Harry? It sure did.

“My deepest fear is history repeating itself. I’ve seen what happens when someone I love is commoditized to the point that they are no longer treated or seen as a real person. I lost my mother, and now I watch my wife falling victim to the same powerful forces.”

And while the Queen maybe ok with the recent announcement, is she really ok losing the favorite royal?Probably not. But it may just be the best way out of the situation. Meghan is partly black. The media and the ignorant sections of British society could not handle this. Meghan and Harry rightly have had enough. Best way to solve this riddle is to leave which is what they are doing. Good for them. 

by Giulia Juliet Belkin

Thank You For Asking If She Is Ok. Meghan Markle on struggles and toxic effect on the actress


A TV interview to air next week with Duchess Meghan of Sussex addressed their struggles and the toxic effect on the American former actress and new mom.

"Thank you for asking, because not many people will have asked if I'm OK," Meghan tells Britain's ITV anchor Tom Bradby in a documentary film, "Harry & Meghan: An African Journey," about their recently concluded 10-day tour of southern Africa.. "But it's a very real thing to be going through behind the scenes."

As a mother of two, I understand how hard it must be for Meghan to adjust to motherhood even while I had my loved ones there to support them. I think it’s great that Meghan decided to open up a bit and show this cruel world that she is a real person.

"Especially as a woman it's really – it's a lot. So you add this on top of just trying to be a new mom and trying to be a newlywed.”

by Giulia Juliet Belkin