Loving 2016 American Drama We Must Revisit


2016 American biographical romantic drama Loving tells a story of Richard and Mildred Loving, their interracial marriage which sparks a case that leads to the Supreme Court.

Richard Loving played by Joel Edgerton, a reserved mechanic and construction worker in 1958 Virginia marries his pregnant girlfriend Mildred, played by Ruth Negga. The couple drives to Washington, D.C. to make their union official and plan to settle near Mildred’s family home where Richard bought an acre of land on which he plans to build a house.

Everything changes in a moment when officers brake into the home of Richard and Mildred accusing them of violation of anti-miscegenation law which states that mixed race couple is punishable by jail time. With the help of the local attorney Richard and Mildren leave the state of Virginia and shall not return for 25 years. As time went by with Richard and Mildren living away from their home, their families, the world changes with the rise of civil rights movements and Loving’s case eliminates the racist laws.
2016 Loving drama is urgent and current to today’s drama. A story well-told , a story of two people who change the country by falling in love.

by Giulia Juliet Belkin