20 Top Models without Makeup

Fashion editorials and advertisements show models covered in so many layers of makeup and fancy clothes that we can't actually see their faces, let alone recognize their natural beauty. What do models look like when stripped of the talents of makeup artists, stylists, and photo-retouchers? Scroll through to see top models going natural and stop worrying.



Long time muse of Karl Lagerfeld, Keira Knightley returns for Chanel fine jewellery collection, Coco Crush. The actress already fronts Chanel's Coco Mademoiselle fragrance and the house's Rouge Coco collection.

Because of her elegance and freedom, Knightley is a tight member of Chanel Family.

The autumn/winter 2016 campaign was shot by Mario Testino, who also directed the shortest film.




Top Beauty Trends from Fashion Week 2016


1. BLUEAccents of blue were prominent all week, especially on the eyelid!

Accents of blue were prominent all week, especially on the eyelid!

3. NATURAL HAIROkay, this is good news for all of us. The natural "air-dried" look was scene on multiple runways.

Okay, this is good news for all of us. The natural "air-dried" look was scene on multiple runways.

5. ROSY VIBESListed as one of the colors of the year, rose quartz made a special debut this fashion week. The color was seen with flushed cheeks, lightened eyelids, and rosy lips.

Listed as one of the colors of the year, rose quartz made a special debut this fashion week. The color was seen with flushed cheeks, lightened eyelids, and rosy lips.

7. ETHEREAL DARKOver-lined charcoal eyes and onyx lips definitely made an impact this fashion week. Gothic feels for sure.

Over-lined charcoal eyes and onyx lips definitely made an impact this fashion week. Gothic feels for sure.

2. CLUMPED LASHESThe clumped lash look is something we've seen rising since fall of 2015, but the trend finally stuck.

The clumped lash look is something we've seen rising since fall of 2015, but the trend finally stuck.

4. RED LIPSEven though this is a classic, it was seen mostly with a bare face and a true, bold, apple Red.

Even though this is a classic, it was seen mostly with a bare face and a true, bold, apple Red.

6. GLITTERYAY. The glitter trend was huge this year. Glittery eyes and faces sparkles across the runway!

YAY. The glitter trend was huge this year. Glittery eyes and faces sparkles across the runway!






Beauty Tips from Cindy Crawford

From food she simply can't survive without to instructions for creating luxurious curls to favorite morning smoothie. Cindy Crawford in her fifties looks amazing. Here are five beauty secrets from super model of the 90!

Cardio, walking, sit-ups - stick to the diversity in the daily workouts

I like fashionable yoga and jogging, but the old yoga technique works better. It was taught by my trainer Radu, with whom I worked on a cycle of video-based aerobics. Now I have another coach who I work with three times a week at home. With him we do press, we squat, thrust and weight and step. After the birth of children and recently, before heading out on a tour with my book, I slow down a bit. But now, on the contrary increased intensity cardio and interval training. I also enjoy walking in the hills and ride a bike on weekends.

Start the day with a wholesome smoothie

Every morning I make myself a smoothie: in a blender whip spinach, half a banana, raw cocoa beans and fresh mint with almond milk and protein powder. It's delicious and filling.

Relax, meditate and visit sauna

Recently, our family took a course of fundamentals of meditation. I don't do it regularly, but it was very interesting to evaluate its beneficial effects on yourself. This new relaxation technique works every time whenever I need to. My favorite relaxing ritual is an infrared sauna: half an hour in it with a good book and I am a completely different person.

Sunscreen - Always!

Since age 30 I use my own makeup line(Cindy Crawford has its own line of cosmetics called Meaningful Beauty). Dr. Jean-Louis Sebagh constantly updates and improves it. I am also a fan of microdermabrasion (mechanical exfoliation of the upper layer of the skin), this procedure is performed by the greatest Hollywood beautician Cristina Radu. For me, good UV protection is very important. My skin is quite easy to tan, I always grab the first available sunscreen. I do not go to the beach without a hat and glasses.

Combine business with pleasure - take care of hair during sleep and during exercise

I like to do several things at once because good care takes time and every minute counts. For example, if I know that I would wash my hair after school, before put on the hair mask. More recently discovered Lush mask with jasmine and henna, I advise everyone!

Unfortunately, my hair is not as thick as before. Constant change of hairstyles and colors seriously harm them for years. I try not to wash my hair every day, and less often use a hair dryer. If I go to bed with a bun of damp hair they dry up in the morning and the waves are pretty as a nice bonus. The secret is to tie a bundle without a hair tie, instead I use a hair clip.



Interview by Carolina Rodríguez Hernández for JOLIEGAZETTE
Photos by Hailey Wist

 A wife of hedge-fund businessman Paul Tudor Jones, Sonia Jones is a Founder of Sonima and Co-Founder of Sonima Foundation. Sonima Foundation brings health and wellness to schools across America, helping thousands of children, focusing on the under-served. Her inspirational yoga journey began when she devoted herself to restoring her health after having four children and a back surgery. Jones and her husband are both noted for their philanthropy across many causes and groups including Robin Hood Foundation, the Everglades Foundation and of course, the Sonima Foundation.

Can you describe to us a childhood experience, which influenced your business career, especially your relation with the wellness industry?

I grew up in Sydney, Australia, where so much was naturally healthy and organic. What I mean is I spent so much time outside, especially at Bondi Beach. Aussies are very outdoorsy people. Also, I grew up eating so many fruit and vegetables. It was just our lifestyle to eat what was in season. So in a sense, my whole childhood experience influenced my business career.

Could you give us an insight into the creative process behind The Sonima Foundation?

There is the Sonima Foundation and the Sonima website. The Foundation, which came first, came out of my own experience with health and wellness. After my fourth child, my body was pretty broken—four Caesarean sections and a back surgery. Slowly, one day at a time, I had to rebuild my body and spirit, and I did it with yoga, meditation, the Egoscue method to relieve pain and restore proper posture, and good nutrition. I was so transformed by my experience that I wanted to make it available to as many people as possible, so I started my foundation to bring health and wellness to under-served children throughout the country. So many of our children are in crisis mode—poor health, poor grades, difficult home situations, terrible levels of stress. And it’s been proven that improving their health and wellness will help them address those other issues more effectively.
The Foundation was so successful then that I was inspired to build the website to freely offer people access to the health and wellness experiences that made me better. It really is that simple. It’s cliché now, but the internet really does make it possible to reach millions, and my goal was to give authentic health and wellness experiences that I knew to be effective to anyone who wanted it.

Who inspired you throughout your career? Why?

To say only one person has inspired me would be insufficient. I have been inspired by a collection of people along my journey to a healthy body and mind. It started with the nuns in my Catholic childhood schools. They taught me to look within to find stability and strength. As I said above, I was also inspired by my typical Australian childhood of the fresh outdoors. Along the way many others inspired me, and some in unusual ways. My husband inspired me because he was completely uninterested in health and wellness. So he taught me how to talk to and reach people who had no concept of health and wellness and didn’t even consider it as a worthwhile option. Then I met people like Pete Egoscue, Patthabi Jois, Sharath Jois and Deepak Chopra, real giants in helping people achieve their best bodies and minds.

What are your challenges?

There are so many. But my biggest challenge is mental flexibility, that is, being open to new experiences. I like routine, I like knowing what’s coming next, and I like not being surprised. So it’s hard for me to be carefree, easygoing and less controlling. Discipline is not at all a challenge for me. My problem is that I’m over-disciplined, too committed to a single path. Unfortunately, sometimes that also leads me to being judgmental, but it’s certainly a problem I’m aware of, and I am working on it. We’re all works in progress. 

What is the single most inspiring video you have seen addressing today’s biggest challenges, which include: climate change, food security, poverty reduction, and quality of life for all?

I recently saw that video of Pope Francis washing the feet of Syrian refugees. It reminded me of when he first became Pope, on Maundy Thursday, he washed the feet of some young prisoners in a local prison, and I saw footage of that. That single action has had the largest impact on me. It speaks to his humility and to our calling for all of us to serve others, especially the least among us. If we do that, and if we make that our commitment, then the world will truly improve on a vast scale.

What role does music play in your creative process?

I’ve always loved music. I grew up singing in my hairbrush and thought I was the lead singer of Abba, Agnetha Faltskog. I also pretended I was Barbara Streisand and Olivia Newton John, a real Aussie icon. I knew I didn’t sound like any of them. I played their records and shrieked their songs, but I loved them. To this day, maybe my greatest highlight was my best friend’s mother getting me and her tickets to the Abba concert when I was nine. They actually inspired me in a serious way, though: they helped me realize that there was a larger world than the one I was living in. I loved my world, but they helped understand that there was more. So that’s the role music plays in my creative process: it helped me and continues to help me expand my horizons.

What advice can you share with the world on the importance of empowering others to reach one’s full potential? How do you empower others in your daily life?

I don’t feel I empower anyone. I feel that at the most, like Pope Francis, we just need to be examples of what we want others to be. If we want to inspire love, then we should behave in a loving way. If we want to inspire health in others, then we should live in a healthy way. The most I can do is find out what my passion is and do it. I discovered that my passion was health and wellness, and I do it, and maybe my example empowers others, but if it does, it’s not because I’m on a pedestal, which I shouldn’t be. It’s just because I’m doing it and showing them that they can do it, too. 

Which is your favorite destination to disconnect from work?

A yoga mat. I could be in the middle of the most crowded street, but when I start my yoga practice, all goes silent. It all starts with focusing on my breath. 

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Perfect happiness is complete gratitude. When I’m grateful, I’m happy, no matter what’s happening. And when I lose my gratitude, which we all can do, then I’m not happy, no matter what’s happening. But I must admit that I’m really, really happy when I’m most grateful for the simple stuff I take for granted—my family around me on a sunny day with healthy food and plenty of water to drink, looking at the ocean.

How would you like to be remembered?

As somebody who tried to make the world a better place in whatever small ways I could. 

Who are your top three living thought leaders?

Pope Francis and, honestly, my husband and my eldest daughter, Caroline, a fantastic musician. I’m not in any way putting them on Pope Francis’ level. I’m just saying that their ideas and points of view influence me more than anyone else and inspire me to be a better person. 

What is next for Sonia Jones?

Growing the website and reaching and helping more people be the best they can be no matter where they are in their lives, physically and mentally. Just want to continue to play my small part to make the world a better place.

Jewls and nothing else - Emily Ratajkowski for Jacquie Aiche

Talk about finding the right model to successfully promote your product. When it comes to Los Angeles-based jewelry designer Jacquie Aiche, she knows how.  The latest model for the Spring 2016 campaign is Emily Ratajkowski.

 Ratajkowski looks absolutely stunning wearing Aiche's signature pieces with nothing else. Topless torso, carefully positioned arms, olive skin in the combination of necklaces, chokers, bracelets and earrings is simple perfection. Check out photos of Emily and head over to Jacquie Aiche's site to see the rest. 

Beauty Resolution 2016: Embracing Your Natural Look

It is now 2016 and our infamous resolutions are set. Whether it is to hit the gym more often or to add some delicious fiber to our diet, we are indeed motivated to make sure we reach our goals by the end of this year.

As we know,  makeup is a confidence applied to face. So what is your new year resolution when it comes to makeup? Will you be sticking to your same daily routine, or will you spice it up a little? Either way is fine, but a great suggestion for this year isto embrace your natural look!

Here’s a few tips on how to get this natural look going for the New Year:

Brush up those brows!

Yes, 2015 was a year of the bold brow. But this year, why not take a different route? Instead of constantly filling your brows in with a pencil and buying numerous Anastasia brow kits (which works wonders I should say), make room for easier-going arches that are effortlessly brushed-up and feathery. This leads your brows to look nicely polished and basically the way that they should be.



Go for bold beautiful lips!

Let’s make 2016 a year where we love our perfectly lined pouts and line them in a way that showcases what we got! No more need for over lining, and push away those crazy lipstick shades. This year it’s all about neutral and classic shades such as crimson, pinks, deep burgundies, and gorgeous nudes. And to take proper care of your lips, don’t forget to moisturize!




Take the contour down a notch!

Some of us definitely love to contour, but instead of making contouring your entire face a commitment, how about “spot treating” it? This basically means that you choose one area to accentuate, instead of doing an entire area, so you look more naturally contoured. Whether you choose to contour your cheekbones, jawline, or nose, you will still benefit from the effects of the contour, but this time your look will appear more natural.



Text: Sarah Ndjongo

Health and Wellness with WAYOFGRAY

A healthy lifestyle is NOT society’s standards, body shaming, fads or quick fixes. It’s NOT about hating exercise, hating food or hating yourself. Hating yourself sucks and it’s bad for you.

Meet Sophie Gray! She is an RHN Holistic Nutritionist & Certified Personal and a President and CEO of WayofGray.  “Way of Gray’s programs offer tools and resources to start a positive conversation with your body. Food is not the enemy and exercise should be fun. It’s time to be proud of yourself and love yourself", says Sophie.

If you are looking for a killer workout, delicious recipe, or a pick me up, WayofGray has you covered with programs featuring full-length exercise videos and nutritional guides with 7-day meal plans.

The premise of WayofGray is simple: cut through the gray areas of health and wellness and make healthy living sustainable for everyone. I know how badly you want to see results without having to spend long hours in the gym, and I understand the confusion you feel when it comes to what you should and shouldn’t be eating. 

WayofGray started as a simple Instagram page focused on self-development, but it has quickly grown into a community where like-minded health enthusiasts can reach common ground.
We got to ask Sophie a few questions.

J: How did you get started with healthy eating and fitness?

SG: I first took an interest in working out and eating well when I wanted to professional model. Luckily for me, my high school had a full time personal trainer in the gym and by spending time with him, I was swayed away from modeling and took an interest in healthy living - beyond my physical appearance. Upon graduating I took a personal training course and went to college for nutrition! During all of that I started Way of Gray and wanted to inspire others to take an interest in healthy living because they care about themselves, not because they want to simply look a certain away!

 J: What is the number one thing that keeps you motivated?

 SG: I want to be happy and healthy – and for me, eating well and exercising is how I can do that. When I eat clean and workout I notice a huge improvement in my mood, and for me, that is all the motivation I need! I always recommend people take note of the benefits of this way of living away from weight loss. There are so many benefits to reap – and happiness is the most motivating one!

 J: What is your training routine like, and what does it involve?

 SG: I work out 4 times a week for around 30 to 45 minutes. I do all body weight exercises and do workouts that focus on my full body! My programs found on Wayofgray.com feature the exact workouts I do!

 J: What are some of the other writers, artists, models and fitness leaders that have inspired you?Is there a key diet or training tips that you adhere to?

 SG: I am truly inspired by any celebrity, models, and fitness leaders who promote and encourage self-love beyond ones physical appearance – and ones who talk about real topics. Individuals like Rachel Brathen (Yoga Girl on Instagram) Cameron Diaz, and Gigi Hadid.

 J: What’s a day-in-the-life for Sophie Gray like? Give us a run-down of how you eat, train and move on a regular day.

 SG: I wake up each morning, cuddle my pup for 10 minutes, blend up my favorite smoothie (the recipe can be found here: RECIPE then head to the gym. After that I get a day of work in, then my man and I walk our pups, make a healthy dinner and then watch a movie! My schedule isn’t anything special – and to be honest, my life doesn’t revolve around exercise or food, and that’s exactly what Way of Gray is about. I don’t want to turn anyone into gym rats or the cleanest eaters. I simply want to inspire them to make time for exercise and to eat an abundance of whole foods! 

 J: You seem really confident in your body—what advice do you have for women who want that for themselves?

SG: Happiness isn’t depending on your waist or the size of your jeans. I think a lot of the time women believe that in order to be happy, they have to look a certain way. But that’s not the case at all! You can be happy now – and then you can allow that happiness, and appreciation for how wonderful life is to inspire you to improve your health. The Way of Gray lifestyle is about adopting a healthy lifestyle because you love yourself, not because you hate yourself!

Sophie also has her sights set on YouTube with a series health and wellness clips that take a “real girl” approach to one’s well-being.  Offering THREE brand new clips each week, Sophie makes it clear


And check out a preview of her eBook here: 


Way of Gray’s programs offer tools and resources to start a positive conversation with your body. Food is not the enemy and exercise should be fun. It’s time to be proud of yourself. Love yourself.



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please contact PrintAds@joliegazette.com



Introducing Larsson & Jennings #LarssonJennings


Contemporary watches combining classic British aesthetic and Swedish minimalistic design.
Their legacy of fashion and design, diverse subcultures and natural fusion of modern and traditional elements are present in everything we do.

There are synergies and differences between the two cities but always a mutual respect. We exist at the joining of the two; where STHLM meets LDN, where classic meets contemporary and where minimalism reigns.


Turn Your Perspective Upside Down

The king of all yoga poses is (Shirshasana), aka the Headstand. It's not an easy pose but a fun one and there are reasons why you should practice it everyday.  Why ? Because headstand is a natural "FACE LIFT" . By reversing the flow of gravity, a headstand lets your skin hang in the opposite direction. The inverted position of a headstand also flushes fresh nutrients and oxygen to the face, creating a glowing effect on the skin. It increase nutrients and blood flow to the scalp. Some yogis say that it will even convert grey hair back to its natural color! 

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

   Candice Swanepoel    

   Candice Swanepoel    

  • Begin with your hands and knees on the mat. Lower the top of your head to the floor so it's in front of your hands. You'll know your head is in the right position because your elbows will be directly over your wrists and you'll be able to see your hands.
  • Once  stable, straighten both legs in front of you; then straighten your arms so they're parallel with your legs. Your hands should be shoulder-width distance apart with your palms facing up. Spread your fingers as wide as you can to provide more stability.
  • Step your feet onto your hands.
  • Shift your hips over your shoulders and actively press the backs of your hands firmly into the mat. Use your hands and your core muscle, your abs to lift both legs up into the air. If you can't lift your legs up, then gently kick one leg up at a time, coming into Hands Free Headstand. Keep your legs together and point through the balls of your feet.
Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

Ashley Tisdale

Ashley Tisdale

Gisele Bundchen

Gisele Bundchen

Founder / Creative director JOLIEGAZETTE - Juliet Belkin @julietbelkin Instagram

Founder / Creative director JOLIEGAZETTE - Juliet Belkin @julietbelkin Instagram

It is only when the correct practice is followed for a long time, without interruptions and with a quality of positive attitude and eagerness, that it can succeed
— Patañjali, Yoga-Sutras

Text by Jessica Margolis


MAC Over the Years #MAC

Over the years, MAC Cosmetics has released many different lipstick shades, and has partnered with numerous celebrities, mostly for their VIVA GLAM series. MAC’s most recent announcement is to do a collection inspired by Selena Quintanilla which is set to release in 2016. 1993 Grammy award winner, Selena was a beloved Latin recording artist nicknamed "Mexican Madonna" for her sexy outfits and dance moves. To celebrate the addition of the Selena collection to MAC’s 2016 line-up, let’s look back at some of MAC’s more recent and popular celeb colabs! MAC's classic VIVA GLAM collection donated 100% of the proceeds from the sale of their products to MAC AIDS Fund. Their most recent celebrity face for this collection is Miley Cyrus.

Image @MAC

Image @MAC

Pictured above is Miley’s photo-shoot for her VIVA GLAM lipstick and lip glass. But before Miss Cyrus became the face of VIVA GLAM, there was Rihanna, Nicki Minaj (featuring Ricky Martin), Lady Gaga, and Cyndi Lauper.

Image @MAC

Image @MAC

Image @MAC

Image @MAC

Rihanna’s two colors were very different, but both extremely beautiful. The first being described as a frosty blue-red, and the second as a smooth mauve, both colors represent RiRi very well. Speaking of RiRi, VIVA GLAM is not the only collection Rihanna has done with MAC.

Image @MAC

Image @MAC

The RiRi Hearts MAC collection was released as a special holiday collection in 2013. Unlike VIVA GLAM, this collection featured more than just lipstick and lip glass. It featured products like eye shadow and eyeliner, with all of the pieces in the collection having a rose gold theme.

Image @MAC

Image @MAC

Before Rihanna had her VIVA GLAM collection, there was Nicki Minaj and her collection. Like Rihanna, Nicki had two different lip shades in her collection. One of them featured ads with her and fellow musician, Ricky Martin.

Image @MAC

Image @MAC

While Nicki’s shades were both pink, they were very different pinks, one being a powdery pink, and the other being a brighter pink. Minaj’s collection followed the collection of Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper.

Image @MAC

Image @MAC

Like Nicki and Rihanna, Lady Gaga had two shades of VIVA GLAM, while Cyndi Lauper had one. Cyndi’s shade was a very true red, while Gaga’s colors were bright pink, and nude.

Image @MAC

Image @MAC

Gaga’s first color with Cyndi Lauper was pink, while her solo color was a very neutral nude, which is a color that is unlike any other color that VIVA GLAM has ever seen.

Image @MAC

Image @MAC

Along with these special, limited edition colors, MAC has a series of VIVA GLAM lipsticks that are available all the time.


Text by Lea Catherine

Sabine G Fine Jewellery #SabineG

Sabine Getty is an international butterfly and a young London-based fine jewellery designer who draws her inspiration from a rich mix of Eastern and Western cultures which reflect the world in which she grew up in - spending time in Beirut, Lebanon and Geneva, Switzerland. Designer recently married Joseph Getty in the gorgeous Basilica of the Twelve Apostles in Rome wearing custom made Schiaparelli gown.

Sabine’s beautiful fine jewellery line consists of antiqued rose gold, diamonds and rubies, and key designs include an elegant headpiece / necklace, statement earrings, bangle bracelets and stackable rings featuring cross and heart shapes.
“I want to make enchanting pieces that make women feel divine and look dazzling,” she says. Take a look at some of our favorites below and visit her website for more