DIY Beauty Hacks

Tired of spending countless dollars on the latest beauty must-haves? Try these remedies directly out of your household cabinet that work just as well.

Oil Pulling:

Want to whiten your teeth without the harmful chemicals? Swoosh a tablespoon of

unrefined coconut oil around your mouth for about twenty minutes, it may sound

strange but it works!


Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse:

Apple cider vinegar yields endless health benefits. Try dosing your hair with this

liquid gold for your best hair day ever. ACVR will lead to silk smooth hair and even

stimulate hair growth.

Rose Water Toner:

 Spritz some rose water on your clean face before bed for amazing results. Not only

is this treatment therapeutic, but is also ultra hydrating and ant aging leading to a

glowing complexion.

Cocoa Powder Dry Shampoo:

Is your dry shampoo leaving a questionable white cast on your roots? Try swapping

your favorite brand for cocoa powder.  Bonus: Your hair will smell like brownies!

