Handbags have always been an attainable luxury good we can never seem to get enough of. Today there is no such thing as "It" bag, but from time to time a new brand or style pops up in streetstyle photos or on the arms of celebrities and the crowd goes wild. In case you’re wondering what the next one might be, here is a few we put together to consider.
Ara Vartanian and his long time best friend and a God Mother to his son, Kate Moss (the Boss) collaborate on a jewelry.
The Birth of a New, Revolutionary Design In Italian Jewelry
A few simple exercises that take about 5 minutes.
It's all about global warming!
Madrid-born Inés Figaredo's signature surrealist collection features unique everyday object-bags (like a lipstick) as well as less familiar styles including a hard-shell harp, and multiple eye embellished pouches in leather and fur. Read about the designer.
The unique handclasp to slide in your hand is extremely functional design. Since it’s debut, the crowd is going totally nuts for it’s arrival in stores and by the holy grace of God it’s now available from February 27, 2017.