Je Suis Harrison Wheeler

Occupation: Student / Blogger
Instagram: @Harrison.Wheeler
Where were you born? 
Born and raised in Nashville, TN

Where do you live now? 
Los Angeles

In one sentence what is unique about 
your work? 
I’ve made an effort to keep my blog a 
balance between my life- my friends and 
those around me- and the “LA scene” of 
parties, events, etc. Creating The 
Urbane Blog has been an eye-opening 
experience that has allowed to me to 
LA from a number of perspectives. 
I have met so many interesting people 
and am genuinely amazed by some of the 
talent and creativity that I see on a 
daily basis. This city is undergoing a 
renaissance of sorts, and I’m thrilled 
to be right in the center of it all.

Why do you do what you do? 
I love putting myself out there and 
meeting as many people (at as many 
different places) as possible. Blogging 
in LA keeps you on your toes, and you 
truly never 
know who or what is around each corner. 
LA can be overwhelming, and blogging 
has provided an outlet for me to 
explore the best and worst that the 
city has to offer.

What inspires you? 
I’m inspired first and foremost by my 
friends. They are all wildly different 
but share a common creative drive and 
energy that never ceases to amaze me. 
Beyond that, I’m inspired by various 
types of art and music. Recently, I’ve 
been drawn to Damien Hirst, Jamie xx, 
Hedi Slimmane, Kurt Vile, Jeff Klein, 
and Bill Henson. 
But, of course, Jack White and 
Jean-Michel Basquiat will forever be my 

Describe your personal style. 
My look, despite slight tweaks here and 
there, is consistently monochromatic 
and simple. 90% of my wardrobe is white,
navy, grey, and black. These colors can 
be dressed up or down and go with almost
anything! My favorite brands are A.P.C., 
Common Projects, Steven Alan, Norse 
Projects, and Garrett Leight.

Your ultimate must-have. 
This one’s tough. Right now, I’d have 
to say it’s a tie between my Common 
Projects white Achilles sneakers and 
Byredo’s Sunday Cologne. 

What superpower would you have and why? 
Easy. I’d want to control time! There 
are never enough hours in the day and 
a “pause’ here and there would be nice.

What is next for you? 
Next month, I’m moving to New York for 
the summer. I’m working at PAPER 
Magazine and couldn’t be more excited. 
I’m living in East Village with my best 
friend Laura and I can’t wait to see 
what sort of trouble we get ourselves 



