vVardis - The Revolutionary Swiss Oral Care Whitening System

It’s the sound that fills most of us with a dread of visiting the dentist, even if it’s for the regular check up or a cleaning appointment. Fear no more as dentists, sisters Golnar and Haleh Abivardi turn the dreadful experience into a pleasurable one. Abivardi sisters are the ideal ambassadors for their brand vVardis whose product is dubbed as "the biggest discovery in dentistry since fluoride."
While in medical school in Switzerland, the two have learned about how important it is to have healthy teeth. Discovering about possible heart attacks, brain damages, even miscarriages caused by cavities Abivardi sisters determined to open a clinic that would motivate patients to keep their teeth and the health in check.
With the concept in mind, zero patients and no capital, the two have managed to open their first high-end dental clinic in Zurich. Swiss Smile opened its doors in 2003. Abivardi’s vision to make dentistry less painful and less fearful is a way to motivate patients to take care of their health and achieve a beautiful smile.
Since the opening Swiss Smile received tons of awards and became a leading dental group for quality. Clinic offers variety of products and services. But it’s the whitening gel Aletsch, brand’s patented WX Formula that really puts the spotlight on vVardis. Unique formula of Aletsch instant bright and white gel is designed to make the first whitening product work without the use of hydrogen peroxide which is known for blistering gums and cause hypersensitivity.

“Knowing what damage hydrogen peroxide does, if you were to ask us four years ago, we would say unfortunately only peroxide will work. In Switzerland peroxide is forbidden and is only allowed to use at the dental office. We combined Aletsch gel to make the first whitening, that works, without peroxide. Our product is really revolutionary. It protects against stains and gives a feeling of a professional teeth cleaning”, sisters shared with Gazette du Bon Ton.

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Abivardi sisters believe in medicinal usage of herbs, plants and take sustainability very seriously. All of their products are vegan and made in Switzerland with minimal usage of plastic. The toothbrush from vVardis gift set is made of wood from Switzerland. Each toothbrush is numbered indicating what tree it came from and the technology of bristles is incredible. The toothpaste comes in a Patented PICEA wood tube made from the sawdust of German carpenters. Aletsch gel is vegan, good for veneers, crowns and completely safe for your gums. The gel leaves a protective layer which is perfect for coffee and wine drinkers. The product is available separately or together as vVardis Ritual set ($320). No more going to the dental office. Get the same effect in the comfort of your own home. Golnar and Haleh Abivardi won the international price businesswoman of the year for Switzerland for making the dentistry a new experience. CNBC Europe called them two dentist fearless dentistry.

vVardis is available for purchase in the US at vVardis.com