Je Suis Susan Rockefeller

Occupation: Principal, Protect What Is Precious

Instagram: @susanrockefeller

Where were you born?

Mt. Sinai Hospital, NYC

In one sentence what is unique about your work?

I tend to be ahead of the bellcurve on trends and express this in my art, my writing, and in collaborations with companies working on sustainability.

Why do you do what you do?

It’s a privilege to be in service to our earth. Life is precious so I celebrate the miracle of being here with my family by using my God-given talents to express myself and to keep our lands and oceans healthy for future generations.

What inspires you?

Love, nature, art, and newborns of any kind!!!

Describe your personal style.

Simple and elegant.I love jeans with silk blouses and suede boots, or a basic black dress that I can transform from formal wear into business casual or funky. Loving what I own and doing more with less. I enjoy accessorizing with scarves and jewelry and fun shoes to accent what I'm wearing.

Your ultimate must-have.

Vega One protein drink to start my morning right:)

What superpower would you have and why?

The ability to alleviate suffering - a magic wand of sorts. And super immunity and endless exceptional energy to do all I want to do each day! What is next for you? Completing my film on Bach's coffee cantata and starting one on the creation of the “mindful plate.” More photography and art.And going deeper into Marie Kondo’s gentle art of tidying up and creating a nontoxic home— sparking joy by giving much that isn't of use to me anymore away for others to enjoy.
