Je Suis Holly McGlynn

Occupation: Fashion photographer
Instagram: @hollymcglynnphotographer

Where were you born? 
Born in Kent, England but raised in Dublin, Ireland. Now living in London.

In one sentence what is unique about your work?
The color palette and sense of fun.

Why do you do what you do?
Telling stories through photos just makes sense to me, it’s like a native language, second nature. I love every part of the process from developing the mood board and scouting locations to choosing the model and creative team. There’s also the business side of creativity that not every talks about. You’ve got to be able to market yourself, negotiate fees, understand contracts etc. Luckily I enjoy those aspects as well because you can’t have one without the other.

What inspires you?
Successful women. I get such a buzz out of seeing women carve out success in different fields, it spurs me on.

Describe your personal style:
A bit contradictory, like pairing a mini skirt with a huge chunky knit jumper. If I could only wear one outfit for the rest of my life it would probably be that, finished off with a pair of snazzy heels.

Your ultimate must-have:
Time with my family. 

What superpower would you have and why? Disapparate (that’s teleportation to muggles). Think of the time I would save cutting out trans-atlantic flights or London commutes.

What is next for you?
I’m developing a side-venture completely separate to photography. It’s still in the concept stage but watch this space! I had the idea on a plane so maybe replacing travel with disapparating isn’t always a good idea…