Panerai the devil is in the detail...or Balilla pride?

After years of efforts to get away from some disputable links with X Mas of the Mussolini Salo’ Republic and to conquer the hearts of watch lovers not leveraging on political sides, am I wrong or do I see in this self-celebrating video a clear showoff of a Balilla car used by Mussolini Army as a symbol of the brand roots?

Is it the first case of a Brand taking a side in the conflict between Europe and Sovereign trend? Or is it just bad taste? Or a misunderstanding? Or an epicfail?

And why focusing on this seemingly claustrophobic 1930 aesthetic when the city of Florence is all about inclusivity and creativity? Florence is Gold Metal City for the Resistenza. Why showing off in the heart of the city such a symbol of fascism like the “Balilla”?

Does the brand know what a terrible symbol is this? Is Richemont aligned with this decision? Can somebody help me understand this?

by Susanna Nicoletti
Chief Marketing Officer/ Communications Director/
Digital Director/Advisor/Fashion,Luxury,Design