Eminem is 11 years sober

The 46-year-old rapper took to Instagram to commemorate the achievement. “11 years – still not afraid,” he captioned a photo of himself holding his medallion.

In 2005 rapper Eminem went to rehab to get treatment for his addiction to sleeping pills. He opened up about his hospitalization for a methadone overdose in 2008. He checked himself into a Michigan rehab center and began a 12-step program.

“The doctors told me I’d done the equivalent of four bags of heroin,” he said in 2011, talking about his overdose. “They said I was about two hours from dying.” He told Vibe in 2009, “It’s no secret I had a drug problem. If I was to give you a number of Vicodin I would actually take in a day? Anywhere between 10 to 20. Valium, Ambien, the numbers got so high I don’t even know what I was taking.”

Eminem shared in 2015 in an interview with Men’s Journal that he replace addiction for an exercise
“When I got out of rehab, I needed to lose weight, but I also needed to figure out a way to function sober,” he explained. “Unless I was blitzed out of my mind, I had trouble sleeping. So I started running. It gave me a natural endorphin high, but it also helped me sleep, so it was perfect.”

“It’s easy to understand how people replace addiction with exercise,” he added. “One addiction for another, but one that’s good for them.”.

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11 years - still not afraid.

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