The Talk with Dry Bar Founder Alli Webb

I met with Alli Webb during filming of her documentary for ABC, about a girl who runs a $50 million empire.  She is a mother-of-two who was recently named one of Fortunes's 40 Under 40 and who worked in public relations before starting Drybar. Drybar has more than 2,000 stylists in 37 stores across the United States. I was lucky enough to ask the Founder ofDrybar, Alli Webb a few questions.


J: Hi Alli. What gave you an idea opening a bar for hair blowouts? How did the Drybar started?

A: Ever since I was a little girl, I had my mom blow out my curly hair. During my high school and college years I did everyone else's hair. When I visited salons, I tried to remember what they did and come home and try it on myself. It took me hours to do. Then my first job as a receptionist in a hair salon, one of the perks was that they blew out my hair for free. In Florida, where I grew up, the humidity and my curly hair were always at odds. And when I got married and had kids, I still had friends wanting blowouts, then their friends wanted blowouts. I started making house calls to clients all over Los Angeles. More people wanted them. So I risked it and opened Drybar.

J: Brilliant. Oh and I can so relate to you on humidity and curly hair.

A: Love your hair. I wanted to get a bob for a while now. I think I am going to do it.

J: Thank you. I am a long time client and what I love about Dry Bar is a soothing gray and white décor. The lighting, TV and girl movies that I just love watching while sipping on my coffee and having my hair styled. Everything that a girl needs. How did you come up with that?


A: Our architect, Josh Heitler, was a good friend of my brother's. He's an award-winning Harvard graduate who has done crazy million-dollar homes, the W Hotel in Las Vegas, and cultural centers around the world. He is the designer. We tried to stay really focused on the overall experience and make sure we are constantly maintaining our very high standards of both amazing customer service and fantastic blowouts.

J: What is next for Drybar? Are you planning to expand your services?

A: The latest addition to the Drybaris a product line, hairdryer and rollers, shampoos and conditioners.

J: Love your dry shampoo by the way.

I didn't want to disturb Alli as the crew for ABC was waiting. But I am happy I got to speak to one of the successful women today. I thanked Alli for her time and headed out with my beautifully styled hair. Did you book your appointment with Dry Bar yet?


The Talk with Richard Gere at the screening of "Time Out of Mind" at SFIFF

To say that  I felt  the happiest woman yesterday is to say the least. I felt like the luckiest girl on this planet, because thanks to San Francisco Film Society, not only did I get a chance to meet a movie legend, Richard Gere, but I was also lucky to get a warm welcome from the actor and ask him a few questions. And it is my absolute pleasure as the Founder of this project to share with you my review of the  pleasant evening.

Last night San Francisco Film Society hosted Richard Gere at Castro Theater to present Festival's Peter J.Owens Award and screening of "Time Out of Mind" in which the actor portrays a homeless, mentally ill man living on the streets of New York. He wonders through the city looking for food, alcohol, and shelter. He tries to make contact with his estranged daughter eventually taking advantage of the social services provided by the city of New York.

San Francisco Film Society executive director Noah Cowan commented: “Richard Gere is one of cinema’s few unmistakable icons, a powerful connection to the heart of Hollywood history. But when we saw his extraordinary performance in Time Out of Mind, we were instantly reminded of something else—that he is an intoxicatingly gifted actor, capable of extraordinary depth and subtlety.”
Mr.Gere waving to the camera

Mr.Gere waving to the camera

The actor who feels strong about an issue homeless people face in our country wanted to direct the movie himself, but as he shared with us he didn't quite know how to bring it out, so he gave it to director, Oren Movermen.

First to arrive to Castro Theater was the director of the movie, Oren Movermen,  followed by Richard Gere. While everyone was still shooting Oren, I turned my camera to photograph Mr.Gere. His reaction when he saw me snapping his photos was amazing.  He waved into the camera and immediately walked towards the the press line, stopping right next to me (how lucky am I? ).

"Pleasure to meet you Mr.Gere" I said.

 What a charming, beautiful and talented man, I thought to myself.
As I stood next to him in a complete shock digesting the fact that I was standing with none other than Richard Gere, he pointed at Oren Moverman (the Director who was signing autographs at the time) and exclaimed,

       "This is the Man!", "He is the genius behind this movie".

The 65-year-old actor said he is particularly proud of his portrayal of a homeless man in Oren Moverman's film.

"What was the biggest challenge for your while filming this movie?", we asked the actor.

          "To be able to live through the experience as homeless, actually live on the street to get the reality of it. I got to see how homeless people are treated by other members of society and what I found was greatly disheartening", the actor said.

"Weren't you afraid of being recognized?"

         "I've been down there a million times, usually rushing through to try not to be recognized. But as the character I was freaked out because no on would even make an eye contact with me".

During filming of the movie, a French tourist mistaken Richard Gere (who was in character) for a homeless man and gave him leftover pizza. The tourist later found out it was the actor in a New York Post article.

Oren Movermen shared with us that movie plays more like a silent movie. The audience has to let go of the normal expectation for storytelling. It is asking the audience what it is like to be a human being?
Richard Gere mentioned how the MGM was proud of the movie and that Oprah loved it and shared it with her viewers.

When the film startedit was difficult to see Richard Gere as the homeless man, because majority of hisroles were about sexy billionaires. But as the movie progressed and because of the brilliant acting we saw it. Later in the audience someone asked if there was something about Richard Gere that attracted billionaire movies, to which Richard joked,    "Penis envy".


The film shows the bureaucracy homeless people have to deal with , choices they have to make. A real drama. It was difficult to hold back thetears toward the end of the movie. (especially when the actor looks so much like your dad).

During the conversation with Mr.Gere the actor mentioned that San Francisco has a lot more homeless people than New York. A lot of visible homeless. The audience laughed. The actor then laughed with the audience and asked,

          "Is that because you are proud of it?".

Richard Gere also shared a little about his love for Buddhism.

          "Buddhism answered me who I really am. I suggest it to all of you.   It's a great ride"

He also shared his adventure meeting the Great Dalai Lama. 

"Does Dalai Lama watch your film?", someone from the audience asked.

        "If he had, he would have said something. There were other things we   talked about . But there was one time we met and I stayed with his younger brother. He was so charming and relaxed. i was so nervous. I could tell he was asking his brother who I was in their language . Then he looked at me and said, "My brother said you are an actor. Tell me when you are crying, are you really crying? And when you are laughing, are you really laughing? ". I said yes, those were my true emotions. And the great Dalai Lama laughed hysterically. That stuck with me forever."

The evening ended with Richard Gere being honored with the Peter J. Owens Award for excellence in acting. The actor thanked the audience and San Francisco Film Society for the warmwelcome he received. Onething for sure is the sincere intention of actor-producer Gere reflected in the work of the actorand we are lucky to have watched the movie in the company of talented actor Richard Gere and director Oren Moverman.


Text by J.Belkin