A Practical Guide to Owning Fewer Clothes

1. Let's begin here! Say it! you own way too much stuff.

2. Choose to wear few colors. Wear those you love most. Wear fewer colors. Wearing few colors means less accessories.

3. Keep all in the counts of one.  One black blazer, one great belt,  one pair of black pumps, one pair of cool sneakers, one great clutch.... and just use it based on the event or day.

4. Sell, donate, exchange with clothing that you no longer wear. You'll be surprised how much you'll find in the pile.

5. Break your habit of constantly shopping. Self discipline yourself. You really don't need as much as you buy.

6. Purchase quality over quantity. Pay attention to fabric, it is the main ingredient.

7. Only buy clothing that you truly love – even if it costs more. If you stock your closet full of things you love, you will have less desire to add to it.

9. Watch out for those sales and remember the rule, Sale should only be used to help you get a better price on something that you really need. 

10. And lastly you should impress with your character and not with things your wear.

Text Miles Socho