What If I Don't Want to Live in a Modern Society

Modern life can be depressing, and sometimes a primitive life feels like it would be fulfilling and a healthier alternative. Today almost everyone sells their time for wages. People are falling into depression because of pressure from their employers. Modern life has been linked with higher rates of depression, obesity from poor diet, and a sedentary lifestyle. Modern society is obsessed with possessing perpetual wealth. People have no time for families, friends, or hold real feelings for each other. Today everything is a competition.

It sounds retrogressive to hold the view that living in a world without the internet, computers, and automobiles is far better than modern life. I am convinced that people in the medieval period lived a more fulfilling life than the modern society. Clearly, modern people are more prosperous than people in the medieval period. Still, medieval people enjoyed plenty of free time with families and friends and had sufficient healthy foods from their farms.

Today, almost everything is unauthentic, from processed foods to young people feeling lonely when they have 100k social media friends. Modern life is complicating our life with unrealistic perceptions of fulfillment, and the best we can do is to disconnect from social media and connect life again. We gets so lost in online life that we forget to live our real lives.

Eliminate gadgets, turn off push notifications, don’t stress yourself making your profile perfect,give yourself 30 minutes to connect on social and then live a real life, interact with real people, and be awesome in the real world!

How To Age Gracefully According To Giulia


Statistics say that people today are living longer than ever before. But the list of challenges that comes along with aging still exist. Some people tend to age better than others and the question remains why? What causes some of us to age gracefully and others not so much. Here are a few tips that that might help you age gracefully.

Tip #1. Stay Connected With Friends and Family

Stay connected with family, loyal, genuine friends and people in your community who bring you comfort and joy. The emotional comfort that you get is equivalent to endorphine ( aka the happy hormone) that your body needs and benefits from.

Tip #2. Mind Your Diet

Today’s grocery shelves are filled with lots of junk food. Junk food that’s high in cholesterol, calories, carbohydrates and other ingredients that can adversely affect one’s health. However, though this is true you want to eat only healthy foods so that you can protect your overall health. For instance if you want to be energetic as you age, you need a diet that is balanced with iron and other nutrients.

Tip #3. Exercise

Most of us cannot wait until the retirement age just to sit around and do nothing, this is the opposite of how you should really spend your many years of retirement.
Exercise is great for a number of reasons. With the right kinds of exercises, you can protect your heart, build muscle, lose weight and remain physically fit throughout the year.

Tip #4. Get Up Dress Up And Show UP Get up every day and do that skin routine, make it shine. Dress up, even if it's just for yourselef or get out there and shock the world with your sense of style. And finally enjoy the day.

Tip #5. Lower Your Stress If it's chronic stress is speeds up your aging process. Remember it results in inflammation and contributes to Alzheimer’s Disease. Various studies show that it can add years to an individual immmune system.

Tip #6. Quit Smoking And Drinking Be kind to your skin. You skin is your body's largest organ.

Aging is inevitable. Some people find it difficult to accept. Remember staying positive, happy, stress free, taking care of your mind and soul is the first step to success of aging gracefully