Je Suis Nikki Walker

Occupation: Recently I have begun working at The Stronach Group. My main focus in the family business is marketing and development. Additionally, I help manage the Adena Springs Retirement Program which rehomes retired thoroughbreds to forever homes. Last, but not least…show jumping!

Instagram: @nikkiwalker4

Where were you born?

I was raised in Aurora, Ontario, Canada growing up on our family farm just north of Toronto. I studied Business Management and Environmental Studies at Wilfred Laurier University graduating in 2014. Nowadays I spend most of my time working and riding in Aurora or competing in Wellington, FL and Europe.

In one sentence what is unique about your work?

Every day is different!

Why do you do what you do?

I do what I do because I have an incredible opportunity to work with accomplished business people at The Stronach Group. I want to gain knowledge in the racing, gaming and entertainment industry and help my family shape our vision. I feel fortunate that I am able to balance my work and riding at a serious level.

What inspires you?

People who follow their passions. I think it takes a lot of sacrifice; courage and ambition to whole heartedly establish and follow your dreams.

Describe your personal style.


Your ultimate must-have.

A positive attitude…and dark chocolate!

What superpower would you have and why?

Teleportation through time and space! Between work, riding, friends and family I wish I could be in multiple places.

What is next for you?

Next I am headed to Wellington, FL to gear up for the Winter Equestrian Festival. I have a few young horses and new mounts that I am exciting to develop. Also, The Stronach Group’s first running of the Pegasus World Cup Invitational. It is the world’s richest Thoroughbred horse race featured at Gulfstream Park on January 28th 2017.