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Why Is Kissing Good For Your Health

The interaction of our lips and tongues that we oh so often take for granted does a lot of magic behind the scenes. It has loads of mental and physical benefits so do not pass by the opportunity to smooch. Here is what the science say.

  1. When you kiss you release tons of happy hormones. Oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin encourages feeling of affection and bonding. It also lowers your levels of cortisol, in other words your stress levels.

  2. Speaking of Cortisol, Affection and attachment is what kissing brings. Saying “I love you” or hugging, all that helps our stress management.

  3. Oxytocin releases anxiety and increases levels of relaxation.

  4. Kissing dilates your blood vessels and when they are dilated, it increases blood flow and reduces your blood pressure.

  5. Kissing releases cramps and headaches.

  6. It increases saliva production which helps with cavities

  7. It boosts our immune system.

  8. If it’s kissing with your romantic partner, often sex is to follow.

  9. When you kiss, ladies, you tone your facial muscles.

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