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Jill Sander said, "No More Sweats! "

The legendary minimalist whose recent collection released at Uniqlo opened up to Vanessa Friedman of New York Times about pandemic dressing. While her collection went super fast, some friends refused buying because dressing up in their opinion is redundant at this time.

“I think that radical down-dressing is a drainer”, said Sander. “I am a modernist and believe in mapping the future. I am stupefied by the nostalgic turn fashion continues to take. Dressing in yesterday’s styles depresses our capacity to deal with present problems. Not making an effort in the morning will slow down your day and disorient you. If we want to change the world, we have to keep renewing ourselves.

In another interview with The Cut, Jil said, "Relaxed and unobtrusive clothing has been at the forefront for quite a while. But in a time of crisis, when our daily life alters completely, yesterday’s looks and behaviors no longer seem real to us. In home office days, we may continue to wear our dated wardrobe, but it gets associated with the lock-down. In this situation, we need and wish for clothes that can give us the energy to pull through, to feel respected and in possession of our wits. We need tokens for a fresh start." Or, in other words, it's time to start dressing again.

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