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Eco-Fashionable Planet

The fashion industry has turned four seasons into 52 micro-seasons to implement new tendencies and promote fast consumption. Various social media channels promote cheap clothing under the motto "Wear it once and never wear it again" and we don't even bother to think where will that piece of fabric end up after. Nylon, polyester, and other synthetic materials essentially are plastic which most likely will outlive any of us. Household waste piles up and it isn't looking good for the future of our planet.
About 15 years ago, followers of the ideas of eco-friendly clothing, cosmetics, and other goods, most of the people were not taking seriously. Nowadays, prefix "Eco" became a trend of its own. Manufacturers and consumers becoming more conscious, therefore, more and more often in large stores, you can meet eco-friendly products.

Who helps to grow plants, pick them? Whom should we ask for beautiful, comfortable and trendy clothing? No, it's not directors and managers of large corporations, it is simple and often poor workers of third world countries. You've heard about labor exploitation. Many residents of India, Cambodia, Uzbekistan, China are forced to work against their will. They are locked in this workforce with no way out and they don't get a single penny from the clothes you buy. And if you think that this does not concern you, just take a closer look at the tag on your clothing and where it was made.

Only 10 tons of pure water is required for the production of 1 ton of cotton. Twice as much as it is needed for the production of the chicken mean. Just think about it, the t-shirt is 2700 litters and jeans 6000 litters.

Cotton plantations occupy 2.5% of all cultivated lands of the planet,
however, they account for up to 30% of the world’s use of insecticides and 11% of pesticides, which makes cotton one of the toxic cultures in the world.

To make one t-shirt, we need 2720 litters of water. That is how much we drink in 3 years!
Not to forget that insecticides and pesticides do harm to our health! Skin is the largest organ of the human body and it absorbs everything that it touches, including chemicals on our clothes.

76 countries are growing cotton. Every year around 25 million pieces of cotton are collected around the world. China and the United States are world leaders in production. Cotton requires an enormous amount of water and due to heavy watering soils suffer.

Above was only about cotton... But after all, the fashion industry is a business, and the main goal of businesses is to spend less, sell more expensive and get a good profit. For buyers, the task is to buy good at the most reasonable price. Yes, it is no secret that the transition to a more environmentally friendly production will cost a little more, which will entail an increase in prices for goods. This does not attract either producers or consumers. So then how can we reduce the harmful effect?

Ethical fashion is against illegal production, child labor, violence against workers and slavery. Alas, at present all this is still happening in the third world countries. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the true price of a T-shirt for $5.00

Cruelty-Free Fashion promotes fashion, in the manufacture of which animals do not suffer. This is not only about the lack of use of leather and suede, but also silk, wool, fur or fluff. Such a vegan fashion supports the use of synthetic leather, nylon, polyester, cotton, microfiber, hemp and more.

Slow Fashion is all about quality over quantity. It's an alternative to brands like H&M, Zara, Uniqlo. Slow Fashion is:

  • Opt for local clothing manufacturers to support small business

  • Preference for quality clothing that will last for a long time and is subject to recovery

  • Slowdown in consumption of fashionable clothes: buy less and less.

And finally, Circular Fashion, the main principle of which is to close the product life cycle. That is, to extend the life of the product, and then recycle it into something new and use it again.

High quality and timeless design. Take this advice. Build a basic wardrobe containing good quality basics that will not become obsolete even after years. And then, rent it, recycle it, consign it.

Buying a new garment made in an environmentally, socially and ethically conscious manner is something we all should strive for.

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