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Je Suis Meg Gallagher

Meg Gallagher
Occupation: Personal Stylist & TV Wardrobe Stylist- LA, NYC & SF

Where were you born?
I was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, grew up in Philadelphia, moved to NYC
after college and lived there for 15 fashion filled years. Presently I live
in LA with my husband and 2 boys.

In one sentence what is unique about your work?
I specialize in working with women and men.Specifically people that
live or travel bi-coastally.There are many nuances to building a wardrobe
and personal style between two coasts.I have lived on both coasts and
understand the needs, culture and climate.

Why do you do what you do?
My whole life has been about fashion.I graduated with a fashion design
degree, had a whole career as a clothing designer and design director.
Went back to school to start my own styling business and have had one for the past 7 years.
As you can see, my whole life has been about fashion and I have loved every minute
(or at least most minutes…).

What inspires you?
Walking the streets of NYC.There is absolutely nothing more electric and intoxicating.
The people, the pace, the textures…I also LOVE museums.

Describe your personal style.
My styles rotate depending on my mood, city and season.
I love minimal edge with leather kind of thing.For LA spring and summers,
I gravitate towards colorful Boho, float-y looks- easy for the heat.Lastly,
I love a touch of European glam for evenings and meetings.

Your ultimate must-have.
Something animal patterned. I have an obsession with the print…

What superpower would you have and why?
Being able to have every single woman love their body whole heartedly.
I would be the Body Basher Eliminator.

What is next for you?
I am just signing on as a founder with a style app that will
launch in the fall of 2016.Woot!