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Vintage - Always in Style #Vintage

Vintage - a style that does not leave anyone indifferent. For some it is the standard of beauty and elegance. Others do not recognize wearing things that others already wore. But clearly vintage style is very interesting and always in style.
Fashion is windy. Today what may be ultra-popular no one will wear the following year, but vintage clothes, not all, but the ones that has stood the test of time, return into our wardrobe.

You can find vintage clothing in special shops, flea markets, online stores,  even your grandmother's attic. The period from the twenties to the eighties - is the period of vintage. Anything that was sewn or made before is retro. Although designers are still arguing over this concept. Take for example Max Mara. Coats of this brand were considered the best since the 50s. In Russia, they appeared in the stores at the end of the 1980's. 25 years is considered a vintage style. And if you your mother or grandmother was the owner of the suit coat or jacket, then make a visit to inspect their closet. You will be surprised what you may suddenly find hanging there.

Keep in mind you should not combine things from different periods, it would look ridiculous. For example, patent leather boots, stockings on the platform will not fit in with a jacket that you see above. It will make a bad combination.

You also should not put the entire wardrobe of vintage items. It will look better if one or two items are of modern nature. It will then create a perfect look. For example  a costume from the late 50's  and pointed toe shoes from the same era will look appropriate.

It is necessary to be careful when shopping for vintage items. It's best to buy the right size since alteration of the vintage item is not always easy. Pay attention to cleanliness of the item. Often stains created with age of the item are virtually impossible to remove without damaging it.  Replacing a button is easy since buttons can be bought in stores.

For those who do not know where to start when creating an image in vintage style, pay attention to the shoes or jewelry. Jewellery of this period is not always made of precious metal, a lot of jewelry made from plastic. Accessories can be used in business attire as well as for the evening.

Vintage  handbags are  trendy.  Fashion accessories change almost every decade. Today we find bags as seen years ago.  Combining these handbags you should follow the same rule you follow with the modern bag.

Vintage items can be put together from three items adding an original accessories from present period. Please note  that all things must be of one era.

For those who like vintage style  but does not want to carry things from someone else's shoulder, there are a number of shops that sew clothes for old clothing patterns. Just make sure you pick a fabric as close as possible to the original.

Vintage things carry a soul. While selecting vintage item pay attention as the item may choose you.


Text Miles Socho