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Je Suis Virginia Ingram

Occupation: Student; freshman at Vanderbilt University.

Instagram: @virginiaingram

Where were you born?
What is unique about my work: As a rider, I think what makes me unique is my love for multiple disciplines; show jumping, polo and fox hunting.

Why do you do what you do?
I ride because it is my passion. It always has been and it always will be. It’s something I love to do with my family and I have made the very best of friends in this sport.

What inspires you?
One of my biggest inspirations in my father. He has overcome many obstacles in his life and yet he is always positive. I am also inspired to just wake up every day and work harder at everything I want to accomplish.

Describe your personal style.
My personal style definitely revolves around comfort! I love to be comfortable!

Your ultimate must-have.
Probably this really special bracelet that I was given for Christmas last year. I never take it off. It is really important to me.

What superpower would you have and why?
If I had a super-power it would be time travel. There are so many things I wish I could do-over, correct, or re-experience. Life is so short and I hate having regrets.

What is next for you?
I will continue my college education and integrate myself back into show jumping. I also hope to continue playing polo and better myself as much as I can.

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